International training and development

Together with Sida and the UN body WIPO, PRV works to train and develop government agencies and organisations in developing countries with regard to issues concerning intellectual property rights.

Through greater awareness and understanding of the application of intellectual property rights, the aim is to provide cooperating countries with the tools they need to safeguard their resources, trade on equal terms and develop.

PRV is involved in the provision of training at international level. The cooperation concerns training relating to all intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, etc.) and the transfer of Swedish knowledge to developing countries and countries which are undergoing a transitional phase. A key aspect is programmes aimed at getting the countries to adapt their legislation, administration and enforcement of rights to international agreements in a way which is appropriate to their circumstances.

We discuss how intellectual property rights contribute to economic growth and sustainable development, and how they can strengthen national characteristics, e.g. through unique expressions within music, traditional knowledge and ensuring that the country's unique resources can generate increased revenues.

Our participants return home with inspiration from Sweden's development, along with valuable contacts in Sweden and an extensive network of decision-makers in other countries. Together, we are creating a better world and fighting poverty!