Copyright on Images

Copyright means that the person who has taken a photograph or created a work of art holds the copyright and exclusive rights to the image or photo. Copyright arises automatically when the image is created, as long as the work is sufficiently original.

Economic and Moral Rights

Copyright grants the creator of the image, the copyright holder, the exclusive right to determine how the image may be used, copied, shared, or sold. This is referred to as "the economic right."

Within copyright, there is also something called "the moral right." The moral right ensures that the creator is credited when their work is made available to the public. Additionally, others are not allowed to alter a work or use it in a context that is considered degrading to the creator. This type of moral right generally cannot be waived in a contract.

You are usually not allowed to use someone else’s image without permission. However, there are some exceptions, such as when images are used for educational purposes or in news media where the image is relevant to the news story.

The creator can grant others permission, or a license, to use the image. This may include rights to use, share, or modify the image. The details of the license determine what you are allowed to do and what you are not.

Copyright always protects the creator's rights, and one should always seek permission to use someone else's image. Violating copyright can lead to legal consequences.

New Rules for Images on Social Media

On January 1, 2023, the Copyright Directive came into effect to adapt copyright law to the digital age. This includes new regulations for online platforms and social media services.

The new rules stipulate that online platforms and services are considered responsible when someone uploads a copyrighted work to their site. This is because they are then deemed to be communicating the works to the public.

According to the platforms' rules, it is always allowed to share and redistribute content that others have published on social media.

Copyright on AI-Generated Images

Who holds the copyright on AI-generated images? Here, we answer questions about the use of AI images and the current state of copyright.

Copyright on AI images