Photo: Artgrid, Kristian Ozer Kettner

Domain names

Obtain a domain name for your game at an early stage, as it will probably become the most important interface for knowledge dissemination and marketing.

The domain name should work internationally and in many different languages and be easy to remember.

You will probably use the same name for your domain as for your brand. When you obtain a domain name, you should therefore: 

  • have investigated whether it is also possible to register the trademark name and vice versa.
  • register the trademark name at the same time. This obviously also applies when you obtain a domain name and register a trademark for your studio.
  • protect your names in social media, as far as possible.

Develop a domain name strategy 

Many games companies in Sweden are satisfied with obtaining domain names under the top domains .com and .se. Also .nu is used. Depending on where your largest market is located, other top domains may also be relevant.

Develop a domain name strategy at an early stage in the process. You will not be able to obtain domain names under every top domain in the world, so you will have to decide which ones you think are important for your business. 

The strategy is good to stick to and modify when you want to expand your markets. 

Things to remember

  • Develop a domain name strategy and try to stick to it.
  • Obtain your domain names at an early stage.
  • Carry out a preliminary investigation and make sure that the domain names and trademark names you want to acquire are available.
  • Obtain a domain name for your game.
  • Obtain a domain name for your studio.