En dator och två skärmar i en studio
Photo: Pexels, fox

Names of games and studios

The name of your game is a key part of your trademark. It should stir inquisitiveness amongst the target group and ensure that your game is longlasting. The same applies to the name of your studio.

Many games today have descriptive names, as they are both clear and simple. Yet there are also good reasons to try associative names which generate interest and a feeling for products and for companies. Regardless of what you opt for, a good, carefully considered name is always a good investment. 

The advantages of a descriptive name 

  • Their clarity makes it easier to meet gamers’ expectations.
  • They are easy to remember.
  • They speak directly to certain target groups.

The advantages of associative names

  • They are good if the game is developed and changes in nature.
  • They can be perceived as being more exciting than descriptive names and thereby put the games company on the map.
  • They are easier to protect through trademark registrations than descriptive names.
  • There is more chance of domains being available.

Things to remember

  • The studio name should work well with both your current and your future games.
  • Do not use the same name for your studio that you have used for your game if you intend expanding the product range in the future. 

Develop your company’s naming process 

  1. Develop a strategic name platform in order to obtain a good overview of all the name-related challenges that the company faces.
  2. Remember that a particular type of name can become very popular for a while and then feel very dated. The right name will help to ensure that the product lasts longer.
  3. Carry out linguistic assessments to ensure that the name you choose does not mean something unfavourable in other languages.
  4. Make sure you do not get too close to or infringe anyone else’s trademark when you choose a name.
  5. Check that the domain name is available.

If you need support in the process, name agencies which have a strategic approach to naming will be able to provide both information and expertise. 

A good advice

Test the name on different people and ask them what they would expect from a game of that name. Don’t be afraid of discarding names which you personally thought were good if your tests show that other people do not like or understand them.