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Photo: Pxhere

Business model

Choose a business model which future-proofs your trademark and your game products, collaborations, as well as your employees’ jobs.

Your business model is an intangible asset within your business.

In large companies in the games industry, it is common to set up a new company for each game which the studio develops and a separate company which employs staff and deals with consultants. 

Using this business model will protect you from the risks associated with being drawn into disputes with competitors, partners and publishers.

An individual company may for example have entered into agreements with different publishers for different games. If your company becomes involved in a dispute concerning one of your games, the other games and the jobs of the company’s staff may also be threatened. Protracted court cases are expensive and labour-intensive and can sometimes be the death-knell of a company.

The aim of this business model is therefore to minimise risks and safeguard the studio’s business, the jobs of the staff and other game products. 

Things to remember

  • Investigate the games industry and draw inspiration from what other enterprises are doing.
  • Make an active decision concerning how you will build your business model. Weigh the pros and cons against each other.