Cease and desist letters

Has your business received a cease and desist letter from another company which claims that you are using their symbols or other intellectual property rights? Contact a legal expert before you reply.

Your business may receive a cease and desist letter from another company, sometimes a major international organisation, which claims that you are using symbols which are similar to theirs or that you have launched a product which is too similar to theirs. The issue could for example concern the trademark name of the game, the design of the characters or the concept.

It is often possible to reach a satisfactory settlement where both companies can continue operating as planned. In order to achieve this, you must exchange written communication which is both legal in nature and carefully considered from a strategic perspective. 

If you receive a cease and desist letter, you should therefore always contact a legal expert for support and help. Do not reply until you have obtained advice, as acting on the spur of the moment can make the situation worse. 

Remember to 

  • Never reply to a cease and desist letter until you have consulted a legal expert.
  • Never send your own cease and desist letters without first discussing the matter with a legal expert.