Advisers and incubators
In order to develop your idea or game more quickly, it can be a good idea to enlist the help of an adviser or incubator.
In Sweden, there are many people who can help you both to develop your idea and to boost the growth of your company.
Advisers can give you useful tips and advice about everything from intellectual property strategies to the type of protection that may be relevant for your game.
The primary purpose of an incubator is to assist recently established companies and boost their growth and profitability. Incubators are often linked to universities or university colleges and provide companies with an excellent environment in which to develop and grow. Incubators offer everything from office places to a network of expertise which can provide solid guidance for your business and game development.
In the student world, things are often very volatile. Skills come and go in projects. Then it is important to clarify the ownership structure.
Here are some examples of advisers and incubators who can help you:
On The Swedish Games Industry’s website, you will find tips about more organisations.