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International market

In the digital gaming industry, you quickly find yourself on an international stage through digital marketplaces and gaming platforms, such as Steam, App Store, and Google Play. What should you do then?

Consider which countries or regions will be your main markets. That's where you should protect your assets. It's common for gaming companies to register their assets, especially in the USA and Europe

Some advice while entering an international market 

  • You must not assume that the laws are the same in every country. Enlist the help of a locally based lawyer or someone who has a knowledge of a particular country’s laws for some other reason.
  • Although you must not assume that the laws are all the same, there are a number of international conventions which mean that the laws of many countries are actually very similar, e.g. within the EU.
  • Assess the situation. Which countries would it be reasonable to have protection in? Applying for protection in every country can be both expensive and time-consuming.
  • Check trademark databases to ensure you're not infringing on others. Registering your trademark isn't just for your own protection but also to avoid infringing on someone else's rights.


For many games developers, the USA is an obvious market. When you are looking to protect your assets, it is a good idea to hire a lawyer who has a good knowledge of US legislation, as their laws are different from those of Sweden.

Some areas which are different in the USA compared with Sweden

  • In the USA, you can register copyright. People primarily do this so that they can prove that they are the copyright holder for their works. In Sweden however, copyright applies automatically and can therefore not be registered.
  • In the USA, you must already have your product on the market in order to register a trademark for it. In Sweden, you can register a trademark before you start using it.
  • It is possible to apply for a basic software patent, i.e. a patent for computer programs and other software, in the USA. This is currently not permitted in Sweden and Europe.