PRV's library
In our library you can find intellectual property, technology and patent information. We answer your questions and provide guidance on how to protect your idea. Our literature accessed in the discovery service BiblioteksSök can either be borrowed or read on the premises.
We offer free access to databases and literature in patents, trademarks, design, copyright and technology. When needed, we help you with search tips. Welcome to us!
BiblioteksSök - discover the content of the library!
Search for articles, journals and books.
Borrowing and ordering
These are the rules that apply when borrowing and ordering.
You can access a vast amount of information in our intellectual property, patent and technical literature databases.
Basic guidance
We can offer some basic guidance on how to search our various databases. We can answer questions about trademarks, design, and patenting, e.g., how to find out if your idea or design is new, what you should think about before applying, and what happens after applying. We offer free support for up to 45 minutes, if you require more time, you might consider booking a course.
Study visit
Do you want to know more about the PRV? Welcome for a study visit. We inform you about the agency's activities plus provide you with basic and general information about intellectual property rights. The visit takes place during PRV: s regular opening hours. You can either choose to physically visit us or book a virtual visit via Teams. For any further questions or reservations please contact the library.
Opening hours
All visitors must show identification at the reception before visiting the library.
Opening hours:
Staff available for personal guidance and loans:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 am-12 pm
Tuesday and Thursday 12 pm-3 pm
If you require personal guidance and are unable to visit us during our opening hours, you are welcome to make an appointment. Contact us by email.
If you do not require assistance from the staff, you are welcome to use the library daily between 9 am-3 pm.
Opening hours, different opening hours in connection with holidays
Contact us
Telephone: +46 8 782 26 50
Address: Valhallavägen 136, Stockholm
Wheelchair entrance: Artillerigatan 64
Literature about green technology
We have selected articles and books within green technology. Green technology is a part of sustainable development and is, simply put, environmentally friendly technology.