Search databases
Here we have gathered links to valuable databases and search tools for intellectual property.
Most requested databases
BiblioteksSök (external website)
Swedish historical patents (1746-1945)
Patent databases
You create value for your company when you take advantage of what has already been done and which is described in detail in databases with patents information.
Patents information - how to use it
Swedish Patent Database
PRV's online service Swedish Patent Database is a completely free search service. No login is required. The Swedish Patent Database covers:
- Swedish patents
- Swedish public patent applications
- European patents (EP patents) validated in Sweden.
- European patents with unitary effect (unitary patents).
Unitary patents are searchable in the database, but a link will take you directly to the European Patent Register (on the EPO website) for all information about an individual patent. - EP applications published under §88 of the Patents Act
- Granted EP patents where Sweden is designated, but not yet validated in Sweden or having gained unitary effect. (Searchable in the database for six months from the EPO’s date of grant.)
(Searchable in the database for six months from EPO’s grant date.) - Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) and extensions to SPCs for patents
The patent database includes all the information and documents which are in PRV's archives, spanning from 1885 until the present day. For older patent material, the information may be limited.
Swedish historical patents (1746-1945)
The Swedish historical patent database is an online search tool for researchers and the general public that contains detailed information about approximately 122,000 patents granted in Sweden between 1746-1945.
BiblioteksSök, articles and books
Discover the contents of the library. BiblioteksSök provides access to scientific publications – journals, books and articles both printed and electronic – which describe technical innovations in various fields of research. Visit the library in person to read the full text.
BiblioteksSök, databases for articles and books (external website)
Epoline, European patent register
Using EPO's web-based service, you can, for example, search in the European patent register, access public information in patent files and read documents online. Login is required.
Epoline, databases from EPO (external website)
Espacenet, national and international patents
With the help of espacenet, you can, for example, carry out your own preliminary investigation before filing a patent application. The database contains over 100 million national and international patents/patent applications. All bibliographic data can be searched and by combining this data you can do relatively advanced searches.
Espacenet, international patentdatabase (external website)
File Inspection, patent applications
File Inspection is PRV's public archive for patent applications. Here you can view original documents and certain bibliographic data in all the public patent applications from 2004 onwards. The documents can be opened directly in the archive or downloaded as PDF files.
File Inspection, database for patent applications
PatentScope, WIPO
PatentScope is WIPO's web portal for patent information. Using PatentScope, you can search through over 73 million patent documents, PCT and almost 60 national collections, access public information from the files and study the documents online. PatentScope also contains general information about patents, statistics, news items, translation tools and much more.
PatentScope, database from WIPO (external website)
Trademark databases
You create value for your company when you take advantage of what has already been done and which is described in detail in databases with trademarks information.
Trademarks information - how to use it
Swedish Trademark Database
In our Swedish Trademark Database, you can find trademarks which have been granted registration in Sweden. The database contains information about the owner of the trademark and which goods and/or services it covers.
Swedish Trademark Database (opens in a new window)
eSearch plus, EU Trademark Register
In eSearch plus, you can find detailed information about Community trademarks. The register is provided by the European Union Intellectual Property Organization (EUIPO).
eSearch plus, trademark database from EUIPO (external website)
Madrid Monitor, international trademarks
Here you can find detailed information about international trademarks (international trademark rights). The register is provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva.
Madrid monitor, International Trademark Register (external website)
TMview, trademarks in Europe
TMview is database of registered trademarks from all over Europe. Swedish Trademark Database is connected to TMview.
TMview, European trademark database (external website)
CF Similarity, search tool
CF Similarity is a search tool that helps you assess whether different goods and services are considered similar or not. The tool is provided by EUIPO.
PRV consider the tool to be a guide. The assessments in CF Similarity are therefore not legally conclusive.
Depending on the situation, PRV can make different assessments than the ones found in the similarity tool. In some cases, updates of information from recent court decisions may be delayed and some of the information in the similarity tool might be incorrect as a result. PRV is responsible for updating and maintaining the tool only with regard to Swedish practice.
CF Similarity (external website)
BiblioteksSök, articles and books
Discover the contents of the library. BiblioteksSök provides access to scientific publications – journals, books and articles both printed and electronic.
BiblioteksSök, database for articles and books (external website)
Design databases
You create value for your company when you take advantage of what has already been done and which is described in detail in databases with designs information.
Designs information - how to use it
Swedish Design Database
The Swedish Design Database contains registered designs which are in force in Sweden. Here you can see pictures of designs and get information about the owner and protection periods, among other things.
Swedish Design Database (opens in a new window)
eSearch plus - EUIPO
The European Union Intellectual Property Organization (EUIPO) is the EU Intellectual Property Office for designs and trademarks. In EUIPO´s database of registered designs, you can find information about the design registrations which are in force in the EU.
eSearch plus, designdatabase from EUIPO (external website)
Hague Express Database - WIPO
In the Hague Express database, you can find international design registrations from 1999 onwards. (International design registrations which have designated EUIPO are also in force in Sweden.)
Hague Express Database, international design registrations (external website)
BiblioteksSök, articles and books
Discover the contents of the library. BiblioteksSök provides access to scientific publications – journals, books and articles both printed and electronic. Visit the library in person to read the full text.
BiblioteksSök, database for articles and books (external website)