An illustration of the examination of the application in the patent process.

Examination of the application

As soon as your Swedish patent application is filed to PRV, we start the handling process. When we process your application, we do both a formal check and a technical examination through searches.

Processing time

According to PRV's delivery target, i.e. what we want to promise you as a customer, a first technical notice should be sent from us at an average of 6 months from the date of filing, i.e. the date you filed your national application. Currently it takes about six months from the date of filing until you will receive the first technical notice. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the technical examination will not start before four months, as we wait for the databases which we use for search to be updated. Furthermore, the number of applications and the distribution of the applications within the different technology areas will also affect our delivery times.

In the last quarter of 2024, the average waiting times for a first notice were:

  • Mechanical Engineering: 6,5 months
  • Electrical Engineering: 6 months
  • Chemical and Biological Engineering: 6,5 months

Approximately three-quarters of the patent applications received by PRV will receive a final decision within two years of the filing date. It is rare that you must wait more than three years, but it does happen if, for example, your application needs a lot of amendments. If you submit amendments and new documents, our delivery target is that you will hear from us at an average of six months from the date we received the submitted response. This means that you will hear from us sooner in some cases and in other cases a bit later than six months. However, the average delivery time for a further technical notice is currently about 6,5 months but is also dependent on the technical area your application falls within.

In the last quarter of 2024, the average wait times for another technical notice were:

  • Mechanical engineering: 6 months
  • Electrical Engineering: 6 months
  • Chemical and Biological Engineering: 8 months