
An appeal must be addressed to the Patent and Market Court, but sent to PRV's address. Describe why you think the decision is wrong. Attach any amended patent claims.

Review by PRV

We first check that the appeal has been received in time. If there is no counterparty, we will start an examination to see if the decision was manifestly wrong. If we find that the decision was manifestly wrong, we will reconsider the decision, which means we will change it. Otherwise, we will refer the case to the Patent and Market Court. Appeals in opposition cases are forwarded directly to the Patent and Market Court if the appeal is received in time. Appeals received too late will be rejected by PRV.

Patent and Market Court

The Patent and Market Court (PMD) is a division of the Stockholm District Court. PMD examines PRV's decision. PMD's decisions can in turn be appealed to the Patent and Market Court of Appeal.

The Patent and Market Court of Appeal

The Patent and Market Court of Appeal (PMÖD) is a division of the Svea Court of Appeal. PMÖD can appeal the PMD's decisions. PMÖD will decide whether to grant you leave to appeal. PMÖD can give you permission to appeal to the Supreme Court if there is precedential interest. Precedential interest means that the legal circumstances of your case are unclear, and that it is important for the guidance of the application of the law that the appeal is examined by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court (HD) can take up a case from the PMÖD if there is precedential interest. HD always requires leave to appeal before it can hear a case.

HD (external website)