Patent forms
Here you can find forms related to patents.
Please note that there are no requirements to use the forms. Please note also that there could be other forms relating to other legal areas, trademarks for instance, which you can not find here.
You can also use our online services for patent.
For our forms you need Adobe Acrobat Reader
All our forms can be completed on the screen, but you have to print them in order to sign. They are in PDF format and always open in a new window. For best compatibility we recommend you to use Internet Explorer. You also need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read, fill in and print the forms. The programme is free to download.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (external website)
Patent forms
Application for a Swedish patent with appendices: several applicants, several inventors (pdf 1,9 MB)
Appendix for notification of authorized user (135 kB)
Request for publication of a translation of a European patent application/patent (pdf 913 kB)
Request for a registration in the register of patents (pdf 146 kB)
Request to transmit priority document to the Digital Access Service, DAS (pdf 104 kB)
Power of attorney regarding patent matter (pdf 84 kB)
Transfer of patent (pdf 113 kB)
Transfer of invention/patent application (pdf 111 kB)
Application for a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) for a medicinal product (pdf 304 kB)
Reply to a notice, in Swedish (pdf 623 kB)
General power of attorney (pdf 110 kB)
New address
Please note that when change of address, use the form:
- Request for a registration in the register of patents
Information about general power of attorney
Information regarding General power of attorney
European Patent Office, EPC
At the EPO's website you find forms for EPC proceedings.
European Patent Office, EPO – application forms (external website)
Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT
At the WIPO's website you find forms for PCT proceedings.
Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT – application forms (external website)
Sending in your forms
You can submit your forms to PRV in different ways.
By post
PRV (The Swedish Intellectual Property Office)
Box 5055
102 42 Stockholm
In person
You can file your forms in person at our reception on Valhallavägen 136 in Stockholm or on Kungsgatan 8 in Söderhamn.
You can fax to the PRV, but the fax must always be confirmed by submitting the original forms.
Faxnumber to PRV: +46 8 666 02 86
Do not send by email
We advise you not to submit your forms via email.