Electronic patent applications

Online service for Swedish patent applications

You can file Swedish patent applications quickly and easily using our online service Swedish Patent Application. No special software is needed, only electronic identification.

You can also register to receive electronic communications during the review process for patents applications. Attach the form: Appendix authorized user (135 kB)

Or applying for a Group ID where you specify which users are to be included. When you apply for a patent, you can register your Group-ID instead of registering one or more authorized users.
Groupaccess add (143 kB)
Groupaccess change (150 kB)

Swedish Patent Application (opens in a new window)

Online Filing (eOLF, PCT-SAFE)

  • You can file PCT, EP and SE applications, as well as EP validations, electronically.
  • Sign up /Register an authorised user for electronic communications in  patent files (national and PCT). Attach the form: Appendix authorized user (135 kB)
    as Other documents in your Online filing application in eOLF.
  • Register a group of authorized users by first applying for a Group ID where you specify which users are to be included. When you apply for a patent, you can register your Group-ID instead of registering one or more authorized users.
    Groupaccess add (143 kB)
    Groupaccess change (150 kB)

To do this, you need to install special software which is used together with either a smart card or a soft certificate.

Online Filing, eOLF, PCT-SAFE