Immateriella rättigheter och tillgångar för Life Science

PRV har i samarbete med Sveriges life science inkubatorer tagit fram ett antal utbildningsmoduler som handlar om olika aspekter av hantering av immateriella tillgångar och patentinformation.

Utbildningsmodulerna ska hjälpa tidiga life science bolag, start-ups och entreprenörer att få bättre förståelse för viktiga och tidskritiska frågor om patent, varumärke och design och även andra immateriella tillgångar som upphovsrätt, avtal, know-how och kundrelationer. Modulerna har en tyngdpunkt på patent och patentinformation eftersom den tekniska lösningen ofta är mycket central inom life science.

Genom ökad kunskap kan företagen fatta medvetna beslut och förutsättningarna för en lyckad affär och utvecklingsresa ökar.

Modulerna är på engelska med engelsk textning. Du väljer textning genom att trycka på symbolen med CC i videospelaren.

Module 1 Intangible assets and intellectual property rights.

Module 2 Strategic considerations regarding patents.

Module 3 Considerations for Life Science regarding patenting.

Module 4. The patenting process and patent application procedure.

Module 5. The patentability criteria.

Module 6. The patent document.

Module 7. Patent information

Module 8. Patent Search

Module 1. Intangible assets and intellectual property rights.

This module will give you an overview of the importance of identifying and managing your intangible assets and why this is of special importance in the Life Science business.

For more information:

A self test to see if your company has hidden assets

Information for you as an entrepreneur

Other entrepreneurs telling their story

Intellectual property strategy

Module 2. Strategic considerations regarding patents.

In this module we will discuss strategic considerations before applying for a patent. We also discuss why you sometimes should not apply for a patent.

For more information:

A self test to see if your company has hidden assets

Information for you as an entrepreneur

Other entrepreneurs telling their story

Intellectual property strategy

Module 3. Considerations for Life Science regarding patenting.

What can be patented? What about software? And what certain considerations are important in the Life Science and biotech area?

For more information:

Software, apps and business methods

Biotechnology and patents

Biotechnology and ethics

Module 4. The patenting process and patent application procedure.

A brief overview of the patent application process.

Information about application in Sweden:

Patent Examination at PRV

Applying at PRV

Information about EP-application:

Applying for EPO

Information about PCT application:

Information about PCT application at

Guide at WIPO for PCT application

Information about PCT at WIPO

Information about Costs:

Examples of costs for patent, based on fictive companies


Module 5. The patentability criteria.

In this module we will present the conditions your application has to fulfil to be granted a patent.

For more information:

Keep your invention secret

Conditions for a patent

Biotechnology and patents

Biotechnology and ethics

Module 6. The patent document.

Regardless of where in the world you file a patent application, it needs to comply to certain rules and regulations regarding its form and content. In this module we describe these rules and regulations. This is useful information even if you are not applying for a patent, but only read patent documents, since it will enhance you understanding of the content a patent application.

Information about requirements on a patent application when:

Filing for a Swedish application

Filing to EPO

Filing an international application, WIPO

Tips on things that are good to keep in mind when choosing an agent or consultant

Module 7. Patent information

In this module we will talk about what patent information is and what it can be used for.

For more information:

Patent information and analysis

Patent information

Module 8. Patent Search

In this module we will talk about why you should do searches in patent literature.

For more information:

Patent database - Espacenet

Patent database - Patentscope

More databases

Information about search service

Information for students and researchers